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What Does it Mean to be Ransomed of the Lord"? -
What does it mean to be Ransomed of the Lord?
Okay, so what does it mean “to be Ransomed of the Lord”?  It is a strange sounding phrase in our current culture. But at the time when the Bible was being written and possibly for many centuries after, that manner of speech was the norm. Just think about some of Shakespear’s quotes.

Let me try to explain as simply as I possibly can what it means to be ransomed of the Lord. Simply put it means that:
God loves us so much that he sent Jesus Christ his only son to pay the price (the ransom)
for our sins.
Why? you may ask.  Now that’s the crux of our Christian faith.  God recognized that we human beings had separated from him, we were lost, we are not able to save ourselves from sin and eternal damnation.  So, He sent his only son to earth in the flesh to suffer the worst death possible - beaten, spat on, ridiculed, and crucified. Because our savior, Jesus Christ gave himself as a (Ransom) payment for our sins, His death, burial, and resurrection validates that ALL our sins past, present and future have been forgiven (pardoned) forever.
So what? you may ask. So, ME/YOU are already “Ransomed of the Lord.”  As, the hymn says “…sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow”.  God demonstrated his great love and mercy for us, He has washed us clean of sin.  He has prepared the way and opened the door for us to have eternal life, if we only believe.  
In conclusion, if you take some time to think of the intensity of the suffering that Jesus had to undergo for all of us, you will really appreciate the sacrifice He made for all of us and you will be eternally in His debt. 
The scripture verse 1 Timothy 2:6 explains that God did it all "...that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people."   
Come back soon!
Posted By: Percy Ransom | Sep 6, 2020

Welcome to ROLE Ministry Blog Page -
Thank you for visiting our website and reading this the very first blog post of ROLE Ministry.  I pray that you will come back often to view more blogs in the future.  Please let me explain the mission of this ministry and the goal of these blogs.

My mission is to edify, inform, and build up the Christian community of faith.  God doesn’t want us to live in a spirit of darkness, fear and hate but of light, hope and love.  So, my goal for this space is to offer words of solace and inspiration as we journey through life.
Here you will find, hopefully,
answers to some of your questions as you read my simple explanation of biblical text and its implication and manifestation in our current day and times. Additionally, I wish to, "share the good news to those who have never heard of God and Jesus Christ, explaining how it works by simple faith, love and truth.

My prayer is that the contents of these blogs will not only touch the hearts of those who are active church-goers but also those who are not currently attending church for one reason or another.   I pray that something will resonate in your spirit and you will learn to trust God.  
Come back soon!
Posted By: Percy Ransom | Sep 3, 2020